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COVID 19 had hit Andorra significantly......

This page and other links in this sub menu below are a historical account. They are no longer updated.....
The data below has been left as it happened for interest only. At this stage there will be no further updates.....

Also I am sure there will be some cynical input...

To start click here and scroll upwards !!

Access to and from Andorra

The only access of course is to arrive via France or Spain. Please note that Andorra does not require any further testing for entry other than what the access country requires ( France or Spain).

For entry via France or Spain you must firstly check the exit requirements from your country of departure to enter France or Spain. You will need to check your departure country's regulations directly and each country is different, I cannot help for links on that.

The Andorra COVID passport is available

By courtesy of France, Andorra has been allowed to join the EU Covid passport travel scheme. The Andorra EU Covid passport is now available either physically or digitally if you are an Andorran resident and have been vaccinated (two doses) in Andorra and this applies to passive residents alike.

You have two options: –

  • For the physical version you can go to the medical centre in your parish (known as CAP) with your Cass card or residency card and they will print out for you there and then and free of charge your Covid passport. Samples of this are below. If you wish to pick up somebody else's Covid passport then it does appear possible as long as you have a request and authorisation from that person.
  • For the digital version it is a little bit more complicated; you need to go to the Government or the Comú in person and with your passport (not residency/cass card) (residents of Sant Julia as of 17th August 2021 can apply at the Comú). You must request an E signature and this takes seven days to process, after which you will receive an activation email.  Please note that the application at La Massana Comu ( For La Massana residents) is virtually instantaneous and it appears that the Government tramits route is indeed taking 7 days at least. This E signature is far wider than just for Covid but it is required in order to activate the app. The app in question is called ANDORRA SALUT and can be downloaded from Google play and the iPhone App Store although for the latter it only appears available on the Spanish App Store as far as I am aware at this stage. There have been reported some difficulties in downloading and installing this app and without the E signature it will in any case be useless for travel. If you cannot download the app as you (for example) are on the UK  App store then either set up a Spanish App store account to download it or you can use the official French app Tousanticovid and take a photo of your physical passport QR code, this will allow you to have the digital version on your phone similar to the Andorra App.

If any reader has any further feedback for news then please do let me know and I will post it here for everyone's benefit.

Leaving Andorra - Travel requirements 2022

No tests are required for entering France or Spain from Andorra. Depending on your country of destination (China, Hong Kong to name a few) you still may require a PCR test in Andorra since the results are next day only. That can be arranged in Andorra and emailed to you after entry to Spain or France if you are travelling from those countries.

Andorra winter season 2021/2022 Covid policy has now been announced:-

The government has decided that there will be a traffic light system, and yes that is red, amber and green!

Importantly, the red light district includes nightclubs, bars, restaurants, café's, museums, libraries, gymnasiums, games rooms, hairdressers, hotels, apart hotels and old peoples homes and places of rest, and any outdoor activity with more than a hundred persons in attendance. In these instances and from Friday 26th November 2021 it is obligatory in order to enter to produce either: –

  • a certificate of double vaccination (Covid Passport)
  • a certificate confirming Covid recovery in the last 6 months
  • or a negative Covid test, specifically a negative TMA or PCR test within the last 48 hours or a lateral flow test within the last 12 hours

all of these within the usual timeframes. The amber and green lights are omitted as they are not really relevant.

The winter rules for bars and restaurants is that:-

  • The maximum grouping on a table inside will be 10 people and outside will be 20 people.
  • The distances between each table must be a minimum of 1 m.
  • The 10 person per table rule may be waived if all of the people present can produce a negative lateral flow test taken within the previous 12 hours.

In all places of work masks are obligatory and business meetings are limited to a maximum of 10 people.

Today 18th June 2020...The whole of Catalunya is now open to persons from Andorra with Barcelona and Lleida moving to Phase 3.....

Incidentally Australia whose land mass equals that of Europe have announced that their national airline will not fly internationally until into 2021 and the borders of Australia will also not open until into next year. New Zealand have also called in the military in response to TWO new imported cases. If we compare the two continents (not taking into account populations) since the pandemic began Europe has had 1,680,800 cases (exluding the 553,301 in Russia), with 184,806 deaths while Australia has had 7,370 cases and 102 deaths. On June 21st 2020 Europe opens the doors to travel including Andorra and on July 1st 2020 external borders open to the world. One end of the world will be judged by history to be have dealt with this correctly. The global weekly number of new cases is still rising and is now bordering on 1,000,000.

With only the last items of interest soon to be resolved, namely borders and figures this page will be wound down shortly although it will still remain available with any important updates. In any case there has been an increase of lockdown fatigue that starts to provoke the inevitable cynicism to maintain a level of interest so with such a serious subject as has been here all along, all cynicism from now starts here......
  • 17th June 2020....There is some concern as to why Spain has not since May 27th included daily figures of deaths from the virus. All other countries continue to do so but there are suggestions that the true death rate may be trying to be covered up so as not to interfere with the tourist sector opening. Although this sounds a bit like a conspiracy theory, independent figures have suggested 45-55,000 "above normal trends" deaths which may suggest the Spanish death toll is considerbly more than the 27,136 declared up until May 27th. The figures did start to go wrong a week or so before May 27th as per the chart below. The central government insists that they have needed to change the way the statistics are taken, notwithstanding that the devolved regions confirm they have been continuing to send these figures on a daily basis....strange !!

  • With only the last items of interest soon to be resolved, namely borders and figures this page will be wound down shortly although it will still remain available with any important updates. In any case there has been an increase of lockdown fatigue that starts to provoke the inevitable cynicism to maintain a level of interest so with such a serious subject as has been here all along, all cynicism from now starts here......
  • 16th June 2020.... Andorra Quarantine rules updated
  • From 21st June 2020 it has been confirmed by the Government that the borders of Andorra will be freely open to everyone without reason of "Force Majeur", the only proviso will be that arrivals from yet to be determined high risk areas may be subject to quarantine on arrival. The decree issued yesterday below will most likely be superceded to reflect the new regulations from 2st June...
  • Yesterday updated rules were published in BOPA, the legal bulletin of Andorra and as of yesterday 15th June 2020 the following persons entering Andorra must have 15 days quarantine:-

  1. Returning nationals or residents of Andorra from a country other than a country in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, the UK, San Marino,  or the Vatican.
  2. Non residents of Andorra entering Andorra from another country other than one in the EU, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Norway, the UK, San Marino, Switzerland or the Vatican who also have the correct documents for entry, as is at present for reasons of Force Majeur in areas of health or hunanitarian needs
  3. Any person entering Andorra from a region which the health Minister considers high risk (As of now there is no list).

However, all quarantines can be exempted if :-

  1. The person can prove IgG postive at the time of entry from a test within 4 weeks before arrival, or
  2. the person can prove a negative PCR/TMA virus test (It does not say how long before entry that test should be) and also after 7 days after entry can prove another negative PCR/TMA test.

  • The entry of the persons above is in line with the opening of the French external borders the same day. Entry to Spain from Portugal and for all other international visitors from outside Europe is unclear currently as it may be 21st June or 1st July - to be announced. Also under consideration are UK visitors and whether quarantine will apply.

  • 15th June 2020....Spain relents and will open borders earlier than announced

  • The Spanish Borders -changes:-  From 00.01 hrs on 21st June 2020 Spain will open internal and European external borders including Andorra without the need for quarantine. Originally internal borders were to open from 22nd June and external borders from 1st July 2020. The external border opening is limited from this date to EU, and European arrivals (It is understood that this will also apply to UK citizens but due to the isolation requirements in UK it is unclear as to whether Spain will also impose quarantine - to be clarified). For other countries ex EU this will depend on virus figures and reciprocity of entry - to be announced. From today until 00.01 hrs on 21st June 2020 persons from Andorra most parts of Catalunya except Barcelona and Lleida which is expected to open from Wednesday.
  • 14th June 2020.....Borders - No anticipated changes - Timetable repeated below

  • 13th June 2020.....Borders - The definitive answer on the opening

  • The French Borders.

  • From 00.01 hrs on 15th June 2020 (Monday) it has been officially confirmed by the French Government that all restrictions of movement by land, sea and air for internal European borders will be lifted. Specifically, this means that all persons arriving from the EU, UK, Schengen zones and Andorra regardless of their nationality will no longer need a permit, reason or certificate to enter France nor any requirement for quarantine. It is understood that from 00.01 hrs on 1st July that ALL international arrivals from outside the EU will be allowed entry (It remains to be confirmed regarding any exempted countries or quarantine requirement on arrival but unlikely).

  • The Spanish Borders

  • From 00.01 hrs on 22nd June 2020 the Spanish internal travel restrictions (including Andorra and Gibraltar) will be lifted for the whole of Spain but NOT for external borders. At 00.01 hrs on 1st July 2020 all external borders will be opened without restrictions or quarantine requirements. (It remains to be confirmed regarding any exempted countries or quarantine requirement on arrival but unlikely). Andorra will follow also this date for unrestricted International arrivals via Barcelona and other airports.
  • From now until 00.01 hrs on 22nd June 2020 Andorrans are allowed to enter the regions of Alt Pirineu i Aran From Monday 00.01 hrs that will be extended to other parts of Catalunya (see map). Andorrans can then
go to the Costa Brava, Girona and those areas marked in the map as yellow but not into Barcelona or Lleida marked in blue  which are still in phase 2. It is now reported that these areas will enter phase 3 at 00.01 on Wednesday 17th June 2020 in which case all travel restrictions in Catalunya will be lifted (subject to final confirmation) but only as far as the autonomous borders of Catalunya, and that restriction itself will be lifted on 22nd June. The Spanish are not allowed to enter Andorra (or France etc) until 00.01 on 22nd June 2020.

One new case was reported yesterday at the rest home of La Salita bringing the number of cases reported since the outbreak to 853
  • 12th June 2020.....The queues that had formed earlier to leave Andorra have now moved on as the paperwork finally arrived to allow Andorrans to visit Alt Pirineu i Aran (see below)..It was reported yesterday that there was more than surprise that the Gibraltar border
had opened but not Andorra. Whether it was that disquiet, the outcome of the judicial review or simple political pressure, because as of now the Spanish/Andorran border is open entering Spain from Andorra only and does not allow Spanish to visit Andorra until the end of the state of emergency after 21st June.  But don't get too excited as the permission to enter Spain only relates to the Comarques of Alt Pirineu i Aran. Broadly speaking this is from Puigcerdà to Oliana to Sort to Aran, and it does not cover other areas of Catalunya. Go over the border to Mercadona, La Seu market, play golf at Cerdanya and visit the local areas if you feel the need to do so. It does not include the beaches, Bareclona and onward travel, the old essential travel restrictions still apply. The map opposite covers the extent of the area you can travel to and I am sure there will be appropriate roadblocks at the periphery. Catalunya has said that only when the rest of the autonomous region is declared Phase 3 will further travel be allowed. It is currently in phase 2 and is likely to enter phase 3 on 22nd June. The external borders of Spain will be fully open from 1st July.  As for France all borders will open on 15th June as will most of the EU borders (except Spain). It is still unknown in any of this whether some countries will be exempt and whether quarantine will apply to some or all of these outside the EU on arrival in Andorra.
  • 11th June 2020.....There clearly are voices of discontent locally as it has been announced that the border between Gibraltar and Spain has now been opened whereas Andorra remains firmly closed. There is a
reason for this in that the whole of Andalusia is now in phase 3 of the Spanish system of virus confinement as is Gibraltar, on the other hand Catalonia is not all in phase 3. Both Andalusia and Catalonia are autonomous communities. (Please see diagram opposite) The autonomous community of Catalonia for the most part is still in phase 2, only the municipalities/provinces bordering Andorra are in phase 3. The legal decree for the state of alarm does not empower these municipalities or provinces to act unilaterally to open to another country. Gibraltar is in a different situation as it is the whole of the autonomous community of Andalusia that is allowed to open....

  • Screening of nearly 100 frontline workers will be conducted today at Pas de la Casa and the country will need to wait and see if the influx has caused any resurgence of the virus...
  • 10th June 2020.....All bars, restaurant and licensed premises must close by 0100 each night.
  • Forbes magazine has compared Golbal and Regional virus figures and included criteria such as readiness, efficiencies of governments and organisations inter alia in a study that places Andorra at 79 out of 100, quite some way below Switzerland at Number 1 but below USA at position 58!!!. I think if they had included other criteria such as civil obedience and readiness to accept and abide by regulations Andorra would be well on the way to the top position!! If you are intrerested in this study and trying to identify a safe place for a holiday please have look here ( Courtesy of the Deep Knowledge Group)
  • 96 frontline workers at Pas de la Casa have volunteered for further antibody screening which will be held on Thursday, 10 days after the French border opened.
  • 9th June 2020.....More border confusion last night. It has now been firmly established that an intention for application for Andorra residency, regardless of what documents and letters you may to confirm that,  is not a sufficient "Force Majeur" to get into Andorra (or rather to satisfy the French to get out at the Andorran border). Apparently the only real document they will accept is a Notary signed document explaining why this person should be allowed in. Be warned that any advice out there that if you can blag your way into France then the Andorran crossing is a formality is not true at least as it currently stands. I have stated specifically the law as far as Andorra is concerned on entry and confinement at both borders as it stands here.....
  • 8th June 2020.....No new cases for three days now, so hopefully that part is back under control although 15,000 vehicles were registered entering Andorra at the French border over the weekend...
  • It seems that Turkey now is offering to build the planned airport at Grau Roig. It's only taken 30 years to get La Seu open, now Andorra may have a second airport!! Some French study has concluded that an airport there would be open 98% of the time with only the wind closing 2 out of every 100 days. The environmental report should also be as interesting...
  • The Schengen area intends to hold 450 million digital fingerprints and facial recognition profiles for their entry system set for 2022. Andorra with its accord with France and Spain would be part of that. I seem to remember that during the height of the pandemic it was contrary to human rights under the Constitution to take an anonymous temperature reading so that also should be interesting...
  • 7th June 2020.....The large number of positive IgM short term antibody results which could have indicated and active virus for the most part turned out to be false positives. It has been suggested that in that case false negatives may have missed positives if the tests were that inaccurate. Fortunately for these tests it is not possible to have a false negative, only a false positive...
  • The local shops in Andorra and in the lower Parishes after a great start on Monday have been extremely quiet during the week. Monday was a holiday and gave a false start to hopes of a quick recovery. The situation remains very different at Pas de la Casa with queues everywhere. Once the Spanish border opens most likely now 22nd June the same will happen where now is quiet. A good time then to get out and get some bargains before the influx!
  • 6th June 2020... The French frontier WILL open for usual traffic from 15th June 2020. It had been hoped that Andorra might have been allowed as open border before given the French access to Andorra but this will not be the case. Quarantine requirements for arrivals from France will be lifted and so will quarantine requirements for all of the Schengen area except Spain and Italy who are still working on July 1st for fully open borders without quarantine. The border with Spain though should open earlier, possibly on 8th or 15th June but most likley will now be 22nd June when the state of emergency will end.
  • With 3km queues in and out of the French border today, the first weekend without the 100km restriction I have always wondered with the quota of booze and fags that can be taken back what sort of saving there is given the petrol/diesel required to get up here and back down again and also to bear sitting aimlessly in the queue??
  • The five first months of 2020 in Andorra have recorded average temperatures of +2.8 C above normal making it the hottest since 1950 (I could get cynical about global warming and the whole world being virtually shut down for emissions for the last 2-3 months but.....)
  • No new cases yesterday so hopefully the resurgence at La Salita has been controlled, the new testing of frontline persons at Pas de la Casa will also start next week to check whether any imported cases can be detected with the shopping frenzy there.
  • 5th June 2020... The prediction for French external borders to open with Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland is 15th June, subject to ongoing review of the pandemic. Whether this extends to other nationalities who drive through Belgium for example and enter France is again not clear. As for Andorrans having reciprocal "visiting rights" to France as the French now have with Andorra, it seems this is not the case until 15th June...
  • The plan was for reciprocal rights but France has not now allowed this. Rather a kick in the proverbials given that they allow Italians across the border. It has been confirmed that you still need that essential reason for travel with supporting documents.
  • There is also still confusing signals for Spain whether the open border policy will happen on 22nd June or 1st July, and whether any countries will be exempt, confirmations will follow. The Spanish Minister says 22nd June but Parliament then stated 1st July. Not much concrete news today unfortunately!!
  • The Cirque de Soleil may not be around for much longer, one of the casualties of not being able to perform, it seems they are lkely to fold.
  • It is hoped to have a hotel occupation of 30% to 40% for July and August in Andorra, more new reservations than cancellations are being received.
  • 4th June 2020... As reported yesterday, the State of emergency in Spain has been extended for the last time to 21st June and all tourists will be allowed entry to Spain without isolation from 22nd June 2020, however it is unclear as to whether this will just be for internal travel as there are still reports that tourists will need to wait until July 1st for unfettered travel into Spain. This should all become clear as the days pass, once again Andorra has been left out and there still is no news on the Spanish borders....
  • Bering in mind that the winter's seasonal workers whose visa had to be extended have been told to leave Andorra by 22nd June, possibly an indication that the border would be open as above...
  • The rest home of La Salita  has now a serious resurgence of the virus (8 residents and 1 heath worker with one showing symptoms). A spokesman  has said "someone would have become infected, it is very difficult to control, it is a very infectious virus...(!)" Here is a picture of Pas de la Casa on day one of the border opening......

  • 3rd June 2020... Another 7 positive cases, 6 more in the rest home at La Salita (see below), too early to be imported cases from the opening of the border...
  • The State of emergency in Spain has been extended for the last time to 21st June and all tourists will be allowed entry to Spain without isolation from 22nd June 2020, (Note 4th June... This date may revert to July 1st as previously mentioned, the date of June 22nd may just allow internal travel - again no mention of Andorra) the same will (most likely) be confirmed by Andorra. A reply is still waited for from Spain about a partial opening of the Spain/Andorra border prior to that date as is the case with France. As far as France is concerned June 15th is the likely date for their external borders to open as well without isolation and again this will (most likely) be confirmed by Andorra. In all of this there may well be some countries with restricted access which will be determined nearer the time....
  • Another 2,800 French cars visited primarily Pas de la Casa on the second day of the opening that also saw withdrawn the 100km limit for visitors. This at a time when sadly a resurgence of three new cases at the rest home of La Salita means that a full testing and isolation, tracking and tracing has been implemented once again. It is becoming apparent from cases such as this and around the world that this virus may not be able to be eradicated at all without an effective vaccine and that resurgences are happening in Asia, particularly Korea. There is a pattern in the resurgence of the virus that it may have laid dormant somewhere or in persons as it seems to spring up from nowhere at all. This is apparent in the case of La Salita as all residents, contacts, healthcare workers and the premises itself will have received the highest attention in terms of sanitation and disinfection, one of the unknown conundrums as a pandemic progresses.
  • There could be a 20% drop in second hand car prices to clear the backlog..
  • Spain decides to day whether to order one last 14 day extension to their state of emergency while Andorra continues to talk with Spain regarding limited opening of the borders, no date is yet fixed....

  • June 2nd 2020....Another 3 cases at the rest home of La Salita, the number in hospital rises again as the positive figures from the antibody test results finally are added to the country statistics...
  • Today French residents have full access to Andorra as Andorra does to France (only). The queues at Pas de la Casa that you may have seen in the paper wrongly referred to the queues to access Andorra, in fact they were the queues mid morning to get out of Andorra. Apparently the French border queue started about 0500 to get into Andorra and the queues for the supermarkets opening started soon after. Due to the volume of people they were requested 10 minutes each per shopper in some supermarkets. A total of 3,843 French cars crossed the border yesterday. As far as the Spanish border is concerned unless the judicial review on extending to Andorra gives the green light the border will remain closed very certainly until 8th June and almost certainly until 21st June (correction) since Spain has recommended that there is one last definite extension to the state of emergency until then. After that and instead of as originally planned for 1st July, there will be unrestricted access for all visitors from that date from "many but not all" countries.
  • This at a time when New Zealand, which has had no new cases for 11 days and has now only one active case, intends to continue to deny access to all visitors to avoid any imported resurgence. Here in Europe for example during these same 11 days France registered 7,712 new cases and 841 new deaths. Just as a comparison since the start of the pandemic New Zealand who enforced strict compliance from day one has only ever had 1,504 cases and 22 deaths. (France 189,220 cases and 28,833 deaths). I will reserve comment!!
  • Concerning the queues that developed yesterday when the shops finally opened so people could rush in and buy a new scarf or a laser pen, there is an offer of 3,000 euros for the best suggestion on how to reduce the queues. Mine of closing the shops again was rejected....
  • 1st June 2020... Welcome to the first day of the meteorological summer, its been a funny old spring....
  • Today is the day that French who live within 100 km of Andorra can visit and do shopping, no overnight stays are allowed, tomorrow any French resident (except possibly Ile de France (Paris area) can visit as the 100km rule is lifted. Other residents attempting to access Andorra via France must still have that compelling reason to travel and face quarantine here for 14 days. There has been no answer yet to the Spanish side that remains closed due to the state of emergency. It is expected next week that a Judicial review may well extend the relaxation process to include Andorra as a domestic province, but again any visitor from outside whatever is agreed will have the same rules if coming through France....
  • Meanwhile the head of the Chamber of Commerce in Andorra has re-assured everyone that is interested that plans to build a superfast underground train linking Toulouse, Andorra and Barcelona as well as the new airport for Grau Roig will all proceed as planned and that the pandemic nor its aftermath will interfere with these plans. He says that an underground railway would be far more environmentally friendly, perhaps then they should consider building the airport underground, at least it would save the 2.4 km vertical lift required to connect them together. Maybe he is referring to his trainset during the lockdown? And perhaps also this article should be in "cynics only"...
  • 31st May 2020...   For the very latest border opening news please see here....
  • 1.065 Andorra residents returning from 3rd countries have so far been subject to the quarantine measures. There was a mention of those returning from or residents of Spain, France and Portugal would be exempt from the quarantine requirements, this official announcement seems to have been delayed but expect it soon...
  • As many as 18,000 French visitors could flood Pas de la Casa from Monday when the 100 km domestic travel rule is lifted, from Tuesday the 100 km rule itself will be lifted in France so expect any influx to increase further. Having visited Pas yesterday, shop keepers and residents there are not exactly looking forward to the risk, but need of course to get the economy restarted. The authorities will be testing front line workers there after a week to ensure there is no resurgence...
  • It seems Prince Joachim of Belgium, a 28 year old, 6th in line to the thrown tested positive for the virus after breeching lockdown rules for a party of 28 in Cordoba. As you can expect the Belgian press are having a field day, but more worrying is that the virus is still very much there as well as in France ( 664 and 1, 828 new cases respectively in the last 24 hours) as the tourist season approaches....
  • 30th May 2020...  
    The opening of the Spanish/Andorran border is to be subject to a judicial review to determine whether the current decree which relates to regions in Spain can be extended legally to cover a third country. It has been reported that the Spanish Government is in favour of allowing reciprocal "visiting rights" between Alt Urgell and Aran ( only so far). This of course does not include a jolly to the coast or to Barcelona...(see below)
  • Overnight hotel stays for tourists will not happen at least until the second half of June.

  • The exclusion to the restriction about who can sit with who at the same table in a restaurant or bar without self distancing has been extended from family members to those also who have already direct contact with one another (a grey area perhaps but common sense here!)
  • 29th May 2020...   For the very latest border opening news please see here....

  • If you are looking to arrive in Andorra to apply for residency in any form as it stands you will not be allowed to enter Andorra, only Andorran residents may do so, please keep tuning in, the situation is quite fluid as this part of the world rushes to rescue the summer tourist season...

  • The use of thermometers for entering establishments that we have all become used to is .... you guessed it....illegal!!! Under some human rights nonsense !!
  • Happy deconfinement day !!    As of today there are no restrictions on hours out or where to go and how many people you meet although recommended guidelines remain in effect. Masks are advisory outdoors and obligatory in any public access buildings such as commercial centres, Government offices, shops etc etc. They also prefer you stick to the current rules for one way pavements.
  • 28th May 2020...... The bar and restaurant owners are not happy, it seems from Monday 1st June when they open you can walk in a group to the pub or restaurant without any distancing requirement but then have to stay 1.5 m apart when you enter a premises if you are not living together. That also is the same for tables, two couples can share a table providing they are 1.5m apart.  There then comes the problem of how do the owners know or are supposed to know who lives with who, why should they be responsible?
  • Failing the 1.5m distancing it is back to plastic screens for restaurants that do not have that table space. According to feedback plastic screens will put people off even considering to go in. There are also concerns in the sector that they are trying to comply only with what they have read in the press in the lack of any definitive circulars or instructions.
  • Based on fact in Korea, China and other countries it is inevitable that there will be resurgencies of the virus even when it is considered beaten. It is also inevitable by the same rationale that any resurgence in a country will most likely be imported. There are still new cases in their hundreds each day in neighbouring countries and with the push to restart tourist industries in Europe and at home let's hope that this logic is flawed......
  • There seems to be a misconception that the borders will be open next week to everyone. This is NOT true..... read more
  • There seems to be a misconception that the borders will be open next week to everyone. Yesterday I spelled out the agreements and plans (Read more...). The ONLY agreed exception to the current closures will be that French residents who can prove they live within 100 km of Andorra can visit for the day only from June 1st 2020.  Andorran residents may also travel to France within 100 km of the border only and return the same day. France has included Andorra as a domestic "Department" for these purposes (only). Andorra has requested Spain to be treated the same as with France but up until now there has been no agreement so the borders will remain as they are at least until June 7th.
  • Other than the above exception, ONLY Andorran residents are allowed entry to Andorra (with 14 days isolation on arrival), potential residents whether via Spain or France will have to wait, DO NOT yet try to get to Andorra, you will end up in 14 days confinement in either France or Spain!!
  • If in doubt please email me and watch for updates on this as they can come at any time...
  • 26th May 2020...... The borders with Andorra will unilaterally be open with effect from 1st June 2020. However due to the neighbouring countries current restrictions this may not mean too much in practice yet.... Read more

  • With effect from this Friday, 29 May, 2020 all confinement restrictions for Andorran residents to go out are to be lifted. This includes hours allowed out, where you can go out and with whom. There is no restriction on groups or numbers meeting as in other countries and the government is appealing to a continuation of the good behaviour which has been so evident by Andorran residents during the lockdown.....

  • As from Monday 1st June virtually all of the business sectors will return to "normal" as officially the confinement period ends in Andorra. There are the continuing obligations of wearing masks and following the instructions of each shop, bar, and restaurant and of each business premises.....

  • For restaurants and bars, all will be allowed to open from 1st June but with the specific restriction that individual tables must be at least 1.5 m apart. In case this is not possible then plastic screens will have to be put in place. There is no percentage restrictions on the amount of people allowed inside a bar or restaurant but the maximum per table is 10 persons, there are also specific instructions for these establishments to follow as regards disinfection, hand gel, masks, and one use condiments and tablecloths amongst others.

  • 25th May 2020...... The second round of testing should be complete this Wednesday and the figures will be released. It has been indicated however that the second round results are similar to the first which again will cause some concern if the number of positive IgM short term antibodies has not fallen or in a worse case scenario has even increased, let's see...
  • The Government has noved the final 5 positive cases from the rest home of El Cedre to the hospital so that they can run a thorough disinfection of the home and return hopefully to an air of normality. One new case was detected yesterday but as has been the policy the follow up PCR tests for positives have not been included, in my count that is another 9 yesterday bringing the unconfirmed total to 76 with many PCR tests still outstanding...
  • 24th May 2020...... Talks are in progress to open the frontier from 8th June with Spain for unfettered access to the the Spanish neighbouring provinces of Alt Pirineu (and vice versa for Spanish residents to visit Andorra from these provinces). As it stands the likeliest time for all restrictions to be removed from the border with Spain and Andorra may be 22nd June and with all Spain's borders officially open to tourists from July. For a pictoral comparison of current phases please see here.
  • For France as with Spain, yet to be officially confirmed, it would appear June 2nd would be the date for limited opening for French living in the neighbouring provinces of Haute Pyrenees and for Andorrans to venture into France possibly for the same limit as the French, currently 100 km ( from the border). It has not been specified with the Spanish talks whether overnight stays would be permitted but they will not be allowed for French visitors initially.
  • All other travel currently remains restricted to essential only.
  • 23rd May 2020...... The regulations for bars, restaurants and hotels although not yet set in stone reveal that Andorra intends to allow them to open as normally as possible taking into account the necessary restrictions. There will be no blanket capacity limit such as a percentage as in Spain and other countries, but tables will be required to be at least 1.5 metres apart with a maximum of 14 people, if from the same household (!!) Plastic screens may be obligatory for tills but will not be required at tables. The necessary masks,gels etc will be provided by the establishments with disinfection being down before opening. The intent iof the Government here is to restart the tourism industry with as much normalcy as possible.
  • The French border which may open on either on 1st or 2nd June will  not allow overnight stays and 100 or more persons who serve the public from Pas de la Casa will be tested again one week after the border opens to ensure there is no resurgence of the virus.
  • 22nd May 2020...... The French border with Andorra may reopen as early as 1st June 2020, according to reports from France, that will allow open access. Unfortunately when the relaxing of the confinement came about on May 11th many French decided to descend on El Petrus, the frontier town with La Jonquera and caused an unwanted bottleneck for shopping for cheap Spanish goods including tobacco and alcohol. This is the last thing wanted for Andorra, the Government is examining ways to control access to prevent a free for all at Pas de La Casa and the main shopping areas of Andorra La Vella. The timing too must be brought into question as June 1st is the very day hotels, restaurants, bars and shops all can open, so there is no time there at all to get the system sorted. This is not the ideal time for Andorra with the plans for relaxing confinement here. The border with Spain will be reviewed when the next extension for the state of emergency is held but in any case the border will remain closed until at least 7th June 2020......
  • 100,000 antibody tests have now been carried out in Andorra !!!

  • 21st May 2020...... 23,500 tests completed in the second round of tests, no figures have yet been made available.

  • Spain has announced the 5th extension of the state of emergency until 00.00 hours on 7th June 2020. Whether or not this is the final extension remains to be seen.....

  • We should all salute the disciplined services here ( fire, police, customs, prisons etc) who have renounced all claims for overtime payment for the pandemic, offering a saving of over 1 million euros to the Executive. Extra hours worked will try to be taken as days off in due course. Perhaps other countries' services can learn a little here !!
  • 20th May 2020... There is growing concern amongst the hotel restaurant and bar sector who are due to reopen on 1 June as to what the definitive restrictions of operation will be. Once these are announced each business will then need time to implement the requirements, or indeed whether to open at all this summer. The suggestion of 30% capacity is a nonstarter. A 70% drop in revenue is not going to cover overheads. The calculation then has to be made as to whether to stay closed and only bear such fixed expenses as rent etc, or to open and incur operating expenses such as employees.

  • Other requirements will inevitably involve the regulations posted at the door, capacity, masks, hand gels, plastic screens at tills, one use plastic tablecloths, one use plastic dispensers for salt and sauces and other items as and when the definitive diktat is issued. This use of plastic throwaways is not going to suit every establishment. From 1 June when they are allowed to open it will mean that operators will have a short window before the borders open to gauge local opinion and custom as to whether this is going to work at all for the summer. Many hotels have already declared the summer season over before it has started.
  • 19th May 2020... 1st June 2020 will be the new normalcy day as at that point everything that can open will be allowed to do so and confinement restrictions are planned to end. The borders will remain closed and of course there will be restrictions on hotels, bars and any place where there may be large gatherings. Many hotels have already announced that they will not open until next winter, it remains to be determined the final measures and it may mean many bars and restaurants also choose to remain shut if on a tight profit margin already before the lockdown....

  • The results of the antibody tests and the number of people who have been or still maybe have the virus (nearly 10% of the population) have caught the planners by surprise. For those attempting unsuccessfully to get hold of your GP in the past week or two, it has caused a collapse in the system. Now that the two new active swab test machines will come on line later this week, there will be a capacity to test 2,000 per day. This does leave the question that 1,722 PCR follow ups have already proved another 47 cases ( 140-150 are expected when all tested) why the figures are still not in the national statistics? There should now be 808 cases, not 761. The problem maybe is that if they include them in the graphs then there will be a spike and that may cause alarm at a time when the Government is keen to get back to the new normal.  It is unfortunate that the word for graph in Catalan is "gràfic" as that is what the graph wold look like if the figures were added.  Expect a graph variation, perhaps two colours, one normal and the other additional in another colour relating to the follow up tests...

  • 18th May 2020... The Government intend to carry out 5,000 PCR active tests by 27th May out of those who tested positive in the first round. To date 1,722 such tests have been completed and 47 persons have returned a positive result. it is expected that when the 5,000 tests have been completed that 140 - 150 persons will have been positively identified. These figures are still not being included in the national statistics....
  • Let´s be honest... when was the last time you punched the air in the morning saying "great today is even" I can go out, or when was the last time you went out between 1100 and 1400, the time for the over 70´s? Andorra takes a step back to normality with even golf now open, whereas Wuhan and another city in China each with 100 times the population of Andorra go back into lockdown..would we have the will ?
  • A suggestion by a leading figure here suggests that Andorra could re-brand as the Covid free country, charge tourists for testing at the border, limit to 2,000 per day of "high rollers", make a minimum nights stay and move on from the great unwashed who do nothing but buy tobacco and jam the roads. More chance of a white Christmas in the Maldives!!....
  • 17th May 2020...  First round test results in full with comments....Approximately 10% of the population have  een shown to have come into contact with the virus and suffrered often mild or no symptoms at all. If you are able to take that as a base measurement for other countries at 10% just imagine how under reported global figures are...
  • The Spanish Government has announced that a further month extension of the state of alarm will hopefully be the last before the lifting of it, the current period expires on May 24th. They estimate based on testing done in Spain that 5% of the opulation may have had the virus. Barcelona and Madrid are still in the highest level of lockdown and are expected to remain so for the new month's extension....
  • Oh yes, and the sun is back out!!!
  • 16th May 2020...  First round test results in full with comments....
  • The border with Spain will remain with the current restrictions, in effect closed, until at least June 15th 2020....
  • Bars, restaurants and hotels will be allowed to open from 1st June 2020, albeit with restrictions in the new normal, but they will not be as strict as neighbouring countries. The final details will be confirmed soon but they recognise the need of person to be sociable but sensible. All of the remaining shops will be allowed to re-open also on that day, with the usual restrictions and also different opening times.
  • Schools will re-open on 2nd June 2020 with strict limitations, such as a maximum of 15 pupils per class, masks, distancing and sanitising. It has previously been announced that scheduled school holidays will stay as originally planned meaning that from 2nd June to last week in June not a lot will get done. It will be left mostly to individual schools to organise a safe learning environment...
  • 15th May 2020... Spain has announced last minute exemptions to the 14 days confinement that comes into force today for everyone entering Spain. Importantly as an Andorran resident  IF you are leaving or entering via Barcelona airport and  travelling for a "valid and essential"  reason and you are not staying the night in Spain then you should be OK to travel. (Remember to self isolate on return to Andorra for the 14 days and also check the regulations in the country you are travelling to). Just what is a valid reason is unclear but you should have with you:-

  • Proof of residency that is passport and residency card for Andorra, and that passport if outbound should be in the nationality of your destination, or otherwise have a very good reason for the essential travel with documentary evidence.
  • A copy of the Schengen accord between Andorra and Spain which can be printed here and recognises that Andorran residents have the same right of entry as nationals of Spain.
  • Proof of valid travel that same day, an air ticket receipt/itinerary, if returning perhaps an Andbus ticket, carpark ticket evidence.
  • A compelling reason for travel to that country: To stay in a second home is not a valid reason for example, returning to your principle residence should be.

  • Medical treatment, transfrontier workers, and diplomats, are exempt and very essential and urgent trips subject to the approval of whoever stops you at the border.
  • Remember for trips to France (and the same restrictions apply as above) you need to print a certificate that you need to complete, sign and have with you at all times in France.

  • I do know all returning residents who have braved Spain and the frontier run have successfully got in, this confinement in Spain though adds another element. Anyone who is travelling please do give me any feedback.
  • 14th May 2020... The conflicting advice (see below) relating to both IgM and IgG positives is now clarified and means that anyone with both positives must remain in isolation. This can only be waived by the GP who is tasked to investigate each case for each individual. For example if a person specifically remembers a cough or a fever back in say March at the start of the lockdown then most likely he will not be subject to isolation. Of course those asymptomatic or who cannot recall any symptoms will be told to self isolate. The PCR tests may be ordered by the GP to confirm current status of the virus. If in doubt, call your GP.
  • Andorra still is trying to clarify the Spanish confinement status given that Andbus is still operating to the airport, perhaps proof of onward journey could suffice. As it stands everyone must be confined for 14 days arriving in Spain as from tomorrow, Friday 15/05/2020.
  • More than 69,000 residents have been tested, 90% of the population.
  • The opening of bars and restaurants scheduled for 1st June will NOT be as restrictive as first feared and will not follow the Spanish model. Further details will be announced. There is also pressure to bring forward the opening to as early as 18 May, but this is unlkely given the Government surprise at the positive number of IgG persons.

13th May 2020...
  • Angel Ros, the Spanish Ambassador to Andorra has confirmed this saying "there can be no exemptions". Research has found this    "Upon arrival to the country, travelers will be required to complete a location card with contact and accommodation information so authorities can contact them during the two-week quarantine period. The restrictions apply to both Spanish nationals and international travelers."
  • It seems that if you have a property in Spain you can stay there, otherwise as it stands you cannot get to Andorra without the quarantine
  • It should be noted that France HAS exempted Andorrans from confinement, it may just be that returning residents from outside the EU can enter via Paris/France as a last resort, however it is unclear whether the exemption relates ONLY to Andorrans coming from Andorra. Logically it would and the privilege may well not extend to international arrivals in Paris.  In any case on arrival in Andorra there is the 14 days isolation here and that will be interesting after 14 days confinement in Spain !  Any experiences out there in the field are appreciated....
  • The two PCR test machines will arrive Monday with 1500 instant test kits. This is in good time since the number of IgM positives is catching the Government by surprise in the antibody tests results.
  • Phase three of the re-opening will start on Monday 18th May with bars, hotels and restaurants scheduled for 1st june opening.
  • 12th May 2020....masks need not be kept on while exercising in the hills and away from other persons...
  • .Antibody test results. There is surprise at the high number of IgM positive that could indicate active virus and a dedicated PCR stop lab will be testing tomorrow.  Also, there is conflicting advice as to what to do if both antibodies are positive (974 of us currently). I have one person told that he can continue working (which he is) and another being told that he absolutely must remain in isolation, not even a walk in the forest. One of the two pieces of advice above must be wrong but it is of great concern that both advice come from GPs. Is there anybody else out there that has IgM and IgG positive please ?????? From the virus advice hotline they advise isolation....
  • From this Friday Spain is imposing an obligatory and monitored 14 day confinement for non Nationals entering Spain. As happened with France no mention was made as to whether that excludes Andorra residents (France has agreed it does). Lets wait for the answer. Anyone eventually going to the beach for the day as and when we can looks like spending a month in isolation !!
  • There is whole raft of new businesses opening next week and as soon as it is in BOPA I will update here, but it does even include hairdressers, one of the areas in other countries as being viewed as the last to be opened up. The Government is exploring the same idea as in Spain for the opening of bars and restaurants, apparently now 90% of La Seu D'Urgell is now open, albeit in the new normality of restrictions.
  • Finally remember those brown bears? Two have been spotted not far from the border near Pal Arinsal in El Pallers, sadly elsewhere one of the older bears named Cachou famed for sheep and cattle rustling in Aran has been killed in a fight with another bear...

11th May 2020.....Antibody test results

  • Several of you now have contacted me regarding results and the aftermath. It seems there are mixed results in some same families. The one feedback that is clear is that if you are IgM AND IgG positive you are simply requested to wait until the next test. This is because due to the presence of long term IgG antibodies you are likely to have had the virus at some stage but are no longer infectious. If this applies to you, I would still seek advice from your GP but there is no need for concern, you are one of the potentially immune group!
  • Latest figures from the tests reveal that Andorra is heading for a 9% immunity rate in the population, probably one of the few tests where a negative result may not be the best !!

  • As with other countries Andorra whose income is derived from tourism is desperate to find a formula that would allow the industry to restart without posing a risk to the population. It seems there may be no such formula. Ideas mooted have been:-

  1. Amending the Immigration law to make obligatory anyone entering the country to undergo testing; given the enormous logistical complications this can never be practical, let alone the border queues!
  2. Offering voluntary tests to tourists who arrive: Whats the point?
  3. Requiring "Covid free passports"; already discounted by other countries as impractical,
  4. Allowing very restricted opening of bars and restaurants as other countries are attempting; sadly for many operators here that would mean running at a loss.
And lost in all of these ideas are Andorran residents going to the beach and back or to their holiday homes,  what would happen there? Ideas welcome !!
  • 9th May 2020 ...

  • All appointments that you see on the online link will be confirmed by the Comu by phone the day or two before your scheduled test, do not go without this notification.
  • The results of positive or negative will be sent to you by SMS normally about 24 hours after the tests
  • The online link will NOT show the results, it will only show the status of the test, "pending", "contacted" or "completed"
  • If positive and for more information you can call 775006.
  • I have just been informed that if the test is positive they tell you by SMS to contact your GP,  so neither negative or positive words are mentioned in the SMS. If you choose to get further details you can call the above number. The wait is about 10-15 minutes for an answer but they are very helpful and they can discuss if IgM or IgG reacted, anything further for medical advice they insist you make an appointment with your GP.
  • Contrary to previous releases and courtesy of Grifols Pharmaceuticals who have gifted two PCR active virus test machines to Andorra which will allow on the spot testing here, the Government announced that those with IgM ( Immediate antibodies) and subject to further investigation by the doctor WILL now have access to the live tests. There are 1,500 test kits and that may adequately cover any IgM positives.
  • The 1st June 2020 has been put down as decision day on whether the country moves forward to a system of selective confinement based on the antibdoy test results and evolution of the virus figures...
  • 8th May 2020 ... I have received a call from the Comu to confirm the appointment and then an SMS, as have quite a few of you now. I would advise not to panic, they will call you as part of the process, and do not go without such confirmation. My test is actually tomorrow so the Comu called me the day before...fear not.  I have heard back from a few negatives that within 24 hours they have received an SMS, here is a sample:-
    En la primera tanda del test NO mostreu signes d'infeccio. Mantingueu totes les mesures de proteccio fins que no disposem del segon test.
That means that in the first test you did not show signs of infection. Maintain the protection measures until the second test.
  • Any positives (anonymously if you wish !!?) - Just to confirm the procedure that is all !
  • A leading medical authority "El Comitè de Bioètica" has brought into question the legality of confinement or isolation based on the results of these antibodies test whichthey say should not be an indicator of being positive, also they have also referred to the unreliability of the results (The reason perhaps why other countries have viewed with scepticism those tests available around the world). Anyway Andorra is an interesting experience for a country as a whole but individual concerns from the results are going to increase exponentially. Today I have heard of a wife negative but husband and son positive, a confusing situation.
  • The question and possible solutions to how all this is going to be paid for (as in all other countries) has ruled out selling the family silver namely FEDA and Andorra Telecom. Other interesting ideas that will never happen is that 95% of the 444 sq km of Andorra belong to the Comus, they are public land that could prove extremely valuable if old laws are reset and a new business model created. Sadly ( and what has not yet been mooted) higher taxes may have to pay for it eventually.
  • 7th May 2020 ....There seems to be some confusion over whether the results are sent by SMS or your online link, or both. They have tweaked the process again saying that the basic result by SMS of the first test will take at least 24 hours and for more information on the detail of the results we can all call 775006 and get more details. (I am not sure what languages are covered and how this is supposed to work etc). Because the online link  seems to apply to only 5 Comus ( Andorra La V and Sant Jùlia is by phone) then I would still keep an eye on both. I still would like to here from anyone in the 5 online parishes about what method is used for the results and exactly what you are told, presumably none of you reading this are positive but in both cases please do let me know so I can post here. If on the off chance there is a positive out there please also confirm regarding contact with the Doctor, originally you were to be contacted, now reports are saying you yourself must speak to your own GP??
  • The Government had intended that positive IgM antibody results would lead to the active PCR virus test since the IgM test alone is inconclusive. It now appears that Andorra has insufficient of these so the referring Doctor has been advised to diagnose additional evidence and use only where there is corroborative evidence. I think any positive IgM volunteer that cannot get to the PCR test will be extremely concerned.
  • In any case my advice is to go online and check your appointment as I have found my appointment online (La Massana) but I have still not received any sms or email of this...
  • 6th May 2020 .... The online link for appointments (does not apply to those in Andorra La Vella and most likely Sant julia, they will ring you in due course) and where you insert your núm de cens (residency card number) will also now show your result after the first test, but NOT the full results, just a negative or positive to IgM antibodies which may indicate recent contact with the virus. It will be then the doctor in charge of your test area that will contact you, seek further information and decide if it is necessary to have the confirmatory PCR virus test (perhaps with co-inhabitants) and whether to self isolate etc. They stress at length that a positive result in no way means you have the virus, it is an indicative test only. This change in strategy has arisen from the early testing days where many anxious "volunteers" had no idea of what to do or where to go. Hopefully this has addressed the follow up problems but as below keep an eye on your online portal  I suggest on a daily basis or so.....
  • No new cases today...
  • . My advice is to go online and check your appointment as I have found my appointment online (La Massana) but I have NOT received any sms or email of this...
  • 5th May 2020 ... My advice is to go online and check your appointment (see below) as I have found my appointment online (La Massana) but I have NOT received any sms or email of this...
  • 14,000 tests have been completed and the result from 11,000 tests was that 8.36% are positive. Surprisingly only 12.2% of heath professionals have proved positive, this may be an indication of effective prevention gear but remember we are looking at 60% for the virus to die out... Check the status of your appointment here. The Government has now announced that no new figures will be released until the end of Phase one of the testing.
  • Update on the French decision to impose quarantine for anyone who enters France does NOT apply to the UK and Schengen countries. Just where Andorra stands not being in the Schengen area, no-one can seem to confirm with the French authorities.... The French authorities have agreed finally that Andorra is also excluded....
  • 4th May 2020 ... You can now go online at this link and see the progress of your online application for the antibody tests, most of which will come back pending. It seems that the register for all of this is based in Canillo so you can either go to your Comu website or directly to the link above. You will get sent to you a 5 digit code on your phone. If you used your land line, it looks like you will need to ring to confirm your status but I would not be too rushed to do that since they are busy and you will be contacted in due course with your appointment times....    Good luck all !!
  • A report in todays paper pretty much reiterates the article on the antibody test results in that Andorra considers the end of the pandemia at 60% immunity of the population. They expect results of up to 10% positive revealing the population remains vulnerable to a second wave unless and until the vaccine is available, so be prepared for a continuation of confinement measures with possible spikes in the virus causing steps backwards !!
  • 3rd May 2020 .... The mathematical models for the end of the pandemic reveal that Andorra should be clear by June 3rd. It is a different story though globally and for other countries.
  • France have announced new measures for entry to France with an obligatory 14 day confinement and a 30 day confinement if tests prove positive. It is unclear whether this also will apply to for example a UK/Andorran resident just in transit. Any feedback here would be appreciated.
  • 60,000 now have signed up for the voluntary tests as the Government reiterate that making them obligatory is contrary to human rights under the Constitution....
  • 2nd May 2020 ....1,500 tests have already been completed on health sector workers, disciplined services and vulnerable persons. Most Comus are now up and running with notifications and are ready for the general population starting Monday. Now there have been some computer glitches which are being ironed out this weekend, especially La Massana for which there are (unconfirmed) reports of more serious gremlins. The tests are available to anyone, whether you are on CASS, a passive resident, a non resident or a seasonal worker or tourist stuck here, so get in touch with your Comú.
  • The construction (for existing works and contracts only) and manufacturing industries as well as ancillary workers in various support sectors will resume on Monday, as well as Notaries, lawyers, doctors, architects and Gestorias but with restrictions of 50% of the workforce in the office at any one time. It is stressed that there wil be strict adherence to distancing and hygiene protocols. It has yet to be determined to what extent Immigration will become available, one of the directives is for the use of emailed forms etc which up until now has not been the case to get things done....
  • 1st May 2020 .... Escaldes Comu have been phoning and emailing people to arrange test appointments, it seems that other Comus may also use the phone as well, so answer it !! No news from other Comus, La Massana "stop lab" looks ready but no news yet of any apppointments? Anyone?
  • The construction industry as well as ancillary workers in various support sectors will resume on Monday for existing works and contracts only, as well as Notaries, lawyers, doctors, architects and some Gestorias but with restrictions of 50% of the workforce in the office at any one time. It is stressed that there wil be strict adherence to distancing and hygiene protocols.
  • As far as the opening of the border is concerned Andorra will remain at the mercy of the policies of the neighbouring countries although negoatiations with Spain are advanced in that Andorra may be accepted as a "domestic" province for the purposes of planning ( if there are to be any) summer breaks etc,
  • 30th April 2020 ....The Government has agreed to release the results of the first antibody tests....
  • On the subject of various countries´ populations becoming restless and forcing the Government´s hand in relaxing the confinement, it is interesting to read here about how much more deadly the second wave (and yes there was even a third wave) of the Spanish flu was in 1918....
  • No new cases again yesterday, the first time that we have had no new cases two days in a row!! However, the border with Spain will not open until at least the end of June and with France at least into June also...
  • 29th April 2020 ....No new cases yesterday  and also none today, the first time that we have had no new cases two days in a row!! However, the border with Spain will not open until at least the end of June and with France at least into June also
  • Has anyone yet received instructions from their Comú on the appointments for the antibody tests? Please let me know, they are expected to start being sent by email today
  • On the subject of various countries´ populations becoming restless and forcing the Government´s hand in relaxing the confinement, it is interesting to read here about how much more deadly the second wave (and yes there was even a third wave) of the Spanish flu was in 1918....
  • 28th April 2020 ....No new cases today !!
  • Plans are being discussed with Spain about how and when the border could re-open. There are discussions to include Andorran residents as Spanish domestic residents for the purposes of summer holidays. In other words we may be included in say areas of the coast to go to, times to visit all with social distancing etc, all for now very preliminary ideas. As for France, no-one is answering the phone !...
  • The Government is dismayed about how the exercise times are being ignored, especially for the times reserved for the over 70s and vulnerable people.  The decree is clear in this area :- Do not go out or go shopping between the hours of 1100 and 1400 unless you are in one of these categories. Dog walkers can wait as can anyone else who plans to go shopping. The Government is warning that this exercise privilege may be withdrawn if it continues to be flouted.
  • 26th April 2020 ....There has been a lot of discussion over what these tests are and why? There is growing concern over the tests and how the results are going to be used. This is a summary of research, information and the outcome of a country wide test, the first undertaken worldwide.. The tests for the general population will now start on next Monday 4th May 2020 and not this Wednesday as originally planned.
  • Has anyone yet received instructions from their Comú on the appointments for the antibody tests? Please let me know....
  • The Government is dismayed about how the exercise times are being ignored, especially for the times reserved for the over 70s and vulnerable people.  The decree is clear in this area :- Do not go out or go shopping between the hours of 1100 and 1400 unless you are in one of these categories. Dog walkers can wait as can anyone else who plans to go shopping. The Government is warning that this exercise privilege may be withdrawn if it continues to be flouted.
  • 26th April 2020 ....Has anyone yet received instructions from their Comú on the appointments for the antibody tests?  Please let me know..
  • 25th April 2020 .. The tests have arrived from China and the start date for the tests will be Wednesday. Do not just turn up, you need an appointment which will be sent to you by email. The exact procedure is not yet known but will vary with each Comú.
  • Remember the Madridiots ? Now we have the Ordinidiots, three "hunters" illegally shooting deer during confinement with a high powered rifle in Ordino have been fined 6,000 euros each and are disqualified from holding a license for 3 years
  • 47,000 applications for the antibody tests have been received, it is unclear whether this is the total amount of persons or family applications, most likely the former and if so the number is disappointing given this is a pioneering event for an individual country read more
  • 24th April 2020 .. The tests have arrived from China and the start date for the tests will be Wednesday !!!!...stay tuned.
  • Squeezed in between all of this is the good news that La Seu Airport has received its operating license!
  • 44,000 applications for the antibody tests have been received read more
  • There are fears in Government that if the summer is too lax there will be a second wave of the virus and that confinement restrictions will likely last into June....
  • 23rd April 2020 ..... Another good day for test results, no new cases or deaths and the remaining active numbers falling now as patients recover.
  • Finally more upbeat and optimistic statistic comparisons.
  • The antibody tests will be delayed, they are still in China....
  • Squeezed in between all of this is the news that La Seu Airport has received its operating license!
  • 22nd April 2020 ..... These antibody tests are expected to arrive today/tomorrow and testing is hoped to start on Monday 27th April. Andorra receives a few positive mentions in Foreign press.
  • What has the Pyrenean brown bear got to do with the pandemic? (Well, it's something to do!)
  • Finally more upbeat and optimistic statistic comparisons.
  • 21st April 2020 ..... NO new active cases yesterday !!!!!
  • Not signed up for your test yet? Click here and see the translation guide if required.
  • Any sign of these tests?  We were told to expect their arrival last week and then yesterday from China. We can only assume they still have not arrived in Andorra (I stand to be corrected if anyone has any info to the contrary).
  • Whether or not schools are given the go-ahead to return on 1st June as planned, there is no intention to change the summer holidays which will start in the last week of June and run through to 9th September. Am not sure though whether "holidays" will be the right word and whether beaches will be open???
  • 20th April 2020 ...... Non essential authorised businesses return to a restricted work environment as the first phase of the exit strategy commences. Not a good start though as large queues formed outside many outlets. After 38 days of closure, the premises need to be dusted, disinfected, cleaned, protective measure in place etc etc...A plea has gone out just to wait and don't rush aimlessly down to the nearest shop that is open just because it is !
  • Over 28,000 applicants, actually that should read "families" have already signed up for the antibody tests, the times and venues will be sent by email to all applicants and is expected to begin this coming week
  • 18th April 2020 ...  The test appointment website online is now up and running, please refer here ( will open in a new window). For a quick translation guide please click here
  • The feedback concerning the first phase as above has caused some reaction in that the exercise measures have not had time to be gauged as to whether they have, are or will affect the infection rate.
  • On another front it is interesting to note the growing area of medical advice that say ventilators are not the correct treatment and may do more harm than good,
  • From Monday Phase ONE of the exit strategy means that over a thousand employees in various sectors are allowed to return to work in designated business areas.
  • 17th April 2020 ... We are waiting for the online application form to get a slot for the first of two antibody tests expected shortly and I will update... There is a delay due to technical problems but it is likely that by this evening we can apply online, however there are more then enough tests and places for everyone so don't all rush and collapse the site (Predictable!! )....

  • 16th April 2020 ... The exercise program has begun and the chart has been further updated (YET MORE CLARIFICATIONS!)  but please let me know if you have been told otherwise,  nothing appears to be 100%.
  • The antibody tests are scheduled to arrive early next week. The Government intends to set up 50 or more testing stations. They are now requesting volunteer helpers with or without medical knowledge to assist . They intend to issue "negatives" with a certificate which may be required by establishments for admission as and when they are allowed to open up. This will involve two tests that are two weeks apart. The Government will tomorrow (Friday)  be posting an online application form requesting "test volunteers"as they cannot legally enforce this (stay tuned and I will post the link here...) In order to strengthen the word "volunteers" they are considering other measures in addition to the certificates that in effect will make life difficult without undergoing the tests. They are appealing to civic mindedness in that everyone will take part in the continuation of community spirit. More on this as and when the program becomes known.
  • 15th April 2020 .....Thanks to timely feedback, the exercise chart and restrictions are now correct !!!! The Government has now passed the new decree on the exercise program and confirmed that it will start from tomorrow Thursday 16th April. This is an EVEN numbered day and therefore those with an even numbered building or in the absence of a number where the name starts from "A" to "M" !!!   NOTE: THERE HAVE  ALSO BEEN SOME IMPORTANT CHANGES REGARDING AGES ETC. If you study the chart on the link below, for example, and if you wish to exercise alone and live at an ODD numbered building or where with no number the first initial of the building name is from "N" to "Z" you can have ONE hour out on a date that is ODD (First date will be Friday 17th April) within 2km of your property between the hours of 0600 to 0900 OR 1900 to 2100, with a mask. Please study the chart and identify your timings and associated responsibilities and limitations.
  • The "National" testing for antibodies has hit a problem in that it cannot be enforced, it is contrary to "human rights" under the Constitution. This was to be a world leader in testing an entire population. The Government however still expects the vast majority to volunteer at one of the 50 or so testing stations that will be announced shortly. Testing is expected to begin in the last week of April. The Government is looking at "incentives" for voluntary testing including the right to return to work after a negative test result. The 158.400 antibody tests ordered have cost the Government 1.504.800 euros.
  • The Andorra Government could sell the family silver to pay for the extra costs in financial assistance during the virus lockdown. It is reported that they could sell the state utilities of FEDA and Andorra Telecom which should be worth 700 million euros, the cost to date of financial assistance programs is reported to be 416 million euros. An interesting concept but maybe not the right time to maximise a sale?
Recent events

A Guide to the day by day events that unfolded in Andorra

  • 14th April 2020 ....The Government will announce tomorrow the criteria to follow for the intended program for outdoor exercise allowance , this is NOT yet the final decree but is as near as possible and all will be revealed today (Wednesday).There have been a couple of tweaks announced in that you will be allowed activity within TWO kilometres from your property and not one as previously planned, also the program will start either Thursday or Friday, but stay tuned for the definite announcement tomorrow. Also the antibody tests are expected to start in 10 days or so, again more info soon.
  • The number of active cases in Andorra continues to fall, today down to 468 as more people recover, sadly another two deaths. The peak of infections has been reached but the Government stresses against complacency, neighbouring countries and many in Europe have extended the lockdown until well into May....
  • 13th April 2020 ....The intended program for outdoor exercise allowance is here, this is NOT the final decree but is as near as possible.
    They have stressed this is not a signal that measures are being relaxed, more on the therapeutic side for boosting immune systems where possible.
  • The peak of infections and active cases has now levelled off and even started to fall. While Spain today allows non essential businesses to open such as builders, decorators and other areas, no such timetable has been announced yet in Andorra but if the figures keep falling this should be part of the first phase of relaxing the confinement in the not too distant future...
  • 12th April 2020 ..... There is a plan to be put into operation in the "coming few days" and definitely within the coming week to allow everyone an hour of exercise outside each day. This they realise will have to be controlled and they have asked the Comus each to aportion the hours across the population.

    The intended program for outdoor exercise allowance is here, this is NOT the final decree but is as near as possible.

    They have stressed this is not a signal that measures are being relaxed, more on the therapeutic side for boosting immune systems where possible.
  • The Madridiots have been joined by a bunch of Soldidiots, 20 or more were found partying is a garage and each fined 300 euros, well done chaps....
  • In spite of the above that  measures are not being relaxed it has been announced that the peak has been reached and there will soon come the time for restrictions to be lifted, until that time arrives we are advised to remain as we are.....
Recent events
  • 11th April 2020 .....The ten respirators that the Andorran Government had sourced and ordered at 15,000 euros each have now apparently been snapped up by an organistaion somewhere in the world for a staggering 70,000 euros per pop. As we heard recently a consignment of protective gear on the runway in China destined for Europe were diverted to USA after a suitcase full of cash appeared. I suppose we can say we have all been Trumped !!!
  • For many establishments such as hotels who have had to remain closed, they have lost the Spring business and more and more are becoming to realise that Summer too will be devoid of tourists, so more and more are announcing not to open until next winter....Bearing in mind that the virus started with one person in this world, there is a long way to go until the magic zero is once again achieved, the vaccine as and when seems the only way out.
  • Reappearing from yeterday....MADRIDIOTS !! Unfortunately yesterday these were the traffic scenes in Madrid as people seemingly unaware of virtually anything decided to head off to the beaches at Valencia and the Costas with canoes and the rest on the roof,  am sure and hope that Andorra has more sense !!
  • 10th April 2020 ...... Easter will provide a big test for both positive figures and whether people will flout the confinemeent measures, Police have intensified patrols as have the Circulació and will stop any couple walking together as to the purpose and necessity of both going out. Many roads to scenic spots and places where are popular for Easter breaks will be barriered off and police have been using drones to find mountain walkers. People have been shouting abuse from balconies in what clearly is now unacceptable behaviour in the community for persons to be walking around aimlessly, so beware.
Recent events
  • MADRIDIOTS !! Unfortunately yesterday these were the traffic scenes in Madrid as people seemingly unaware of virtually anything decided to head off to the beaches at Valencia and the Costas with canoes and the rest on the roof,  am sure Andorra has more sense !!
  • 9th April 2020 ...... It is reported and is clear to see that more people are out ostensibly to get essentials and also to claim their facemasks. The threat still remains that if people flout the confinement and cases contunue to rise then the state of emergency may have to be brought in. In the neighbouring countries they are already tightening rules, in Spain there from 26th April there will be a fine on the spot 300 euros for anyone out of the house without a mask, while to enter France you now need written permission from the French Government if you are not a resident or you are  not in the emergency services.
  • The antibody tests ordered some time ago will arrive on or about 20th April 2020. Originally these were ordered from Korea but now have been secured from China.
  • 8th April 2020 ...... Online commerce is being approved by Government to allow the ordering and delivery of a wider variety of goods. For example, Ofijet the local office suppliers receive over 50 calls a day from businesses working from home/ home education for paper, ink, etc.
  • Over half of the masks which the Government are providing to all residents ( two per person at 0.90 cents each) have already been distributed on the first day. Anyone wishing to collect theirs should do so from a farmacy in their parish and take their CASS card with them. This concession does not extend to passive residents.  I have received replies from a number of residents on this subject, for further info and feedback please see here.
  • There will be 50 testing stations for the antibody tests expected to start within two weeks, they will prioritorise the most vulnerable but will be extended to all residents in due course.
  • 7th April 2020 ....The curve of infected in Andorra is starting to flatten, while Spain sees a significant increase.
  • It is planned that 2 masks per person will be available at 0.90 cents as and when they dcide to roll these out in preparation for relaxing the lockdown when the wearing of masks will be obligatory when out of the house and also in the work place (and that will be for several months).
  • The commerce sector is pushing to have relaxed what they can sell online including clothes, electricals, electrodomestices etc. There seems to be no real logical reason not to relax this area from the current situation where goods must be defined as essential (food etc).
  • We all were without the internet yesterday from 1100 for an hour and I hope that is not linked to the subsequent headline of an increase in dowmestic violence but in seriousness there is a free hotline 24/7 if needed 181 or in emergency as always the police  110....
  • 6th April 2020 ..... Andorra will be in the unique situation where 150,000 antibody tests will be available to test everyone, twice if necessary. This will be the only country whose closed population will have been able to be tested allowing the virus to be mapped absolutely within the population. It is now the policy that this will be carried out within the next two weeks once the kits have arrived and the plans for full scale testing have been rolled out.
  • The peak has not yet arrived and we are still on the upside of the curve.
  • 27 ventilators are now available and currently 14 are in use. The coming week they estimate will be the peak and if the ventilators are all required they will be afforded by priority to those who stand the best chance of survival.
  • It is confirmed that masks will become obligatory in the next phase of  when they decide to relax confinement, they will be available from farmacies and other outlets and will be free of charge in most cases.
  • 5th April 2020 ....EIGHTEEN deaths now recorded.
  • 501 cumulative cases now recorded in Andorra.
  • The exit plan strategy reported yesterday has today been played down by Government as only being a study and not policy, and certainly with no official starting date, the plan is logical enough though and will probably be absorbed into Government policy at the appropriate time.
  • The Cuban doctor who was initially positive has now had two negative tests, if the others in isolation are all negative as well, they can return to work sooner.
  • The wearing of masks in public will become compulsory when non essential businesses are given the all clear to resume, there are more than adequate masks available in Andorra and can be bought or ordered at all farmacies.
  • Today 4th April 2020 .....SEVENTEEN deaths now recorded.
  • A warning from the Government that there has been an increase in persons out and about in the past few day and if this continues they will raise the status to a State of Emergency.
  • The plan for the eventual reopening of Andorra (see link below, the plan is for the first phase to come into effect on 13th April 2020, let's hope this is not too optimistic....
Recent events
  • 3rd April 2020 ... SIXTEEN deaths, the number of deaths in the rest home El Cedre rises to 10. Rest homes are being widely hit with 26 positive tests from Santa Coloma rest home and other also reporting infections.
  • EU red tape once again is to blame for slow response to the pandemic. the 150,000 antibody tests ordered by the Andorra Government are sitting in Madrid waiting to be "homologated" into to EU as they originate in Korea. This package from Andorra forms part of a larger consignment for Spain who also sadly have to wait for the processing. It is the intention of the Andorra Government to start testing the whole population within two weeks, this of course will sadly depend on the above EU red tape.
  • No hope for remaining Argentine seasonal workers to return home as airspace is now closed and all flights there impossible....
  • 2nd April 2020 ... FIFTEEN deaths now in Andorra.
  • Cases jump to 428.
  • After one of the Cuban specialists tests positive,  all 39 are to spend 14 days in isolation.
  • More than 5,000 masks have been home made and delivered to the medical services.
  • Andorra Telecom courtesy of it's relationship with Huawei are securing imminent delivery of 100,000 masks from China, 30,000 of which are type FFP2 which affords maximum protection through micro-filters.
  • Cirque de Soleil 2020 cancelled as are all programmed concerts and events at the National Auditorium.
  • The Health Ministry is studying an "immunity passport" which would act as proof of immunity and allow the bearer to resume normal activities, a system which is being studied in other countries.
Recent events
  • 1st April 2020 ... One of the Cuban specialists tests positive, and yes they all came on the same plane,  oh dear, what next!!.
  • FOURTEEN deaths now reported in Andorra including a "middle-age" victim .
  • After yesterday's delay in results retruned 390 cases have now been identified as positive and 365 are active.
  • The State of Emergency has now been signed by the Co-Princeps and is published as law, however, it is NOT yet being activated as measures currently in force are deemed to be sufficient. This may of course change and will empower police to enforce the lockdown and restrict civil liberties further.
  • The Government will push ahead with antibody tests among the population to establish the foothold of the virus and importantly whether medical staff can return to work or be isolated, currntly isolation is based on symptoms only.
  • 31st March 2020 ... TEN deaths now reported in Andorra .
  • Of 121 tests conducted yesterday as of now only 10 have been returned and 2 are positive, results of all expected soon and these test include the 39 Cuban specialists who arrived two days ago.
  • Other basic necessities are being made available in supermarkets in a very limited way including paper, pens, ink, batteries. There is a growing call for items to be available online such as clothes, electrodomestics and other household items that could be delivered without breaching self isolation rules..
  • The disciplined services are feeling the effect of the virus, the fire brigade, police, customs and prison officers have all been hit with 9, 4, 1, and 1 positive respectively.
  • Could this be the real reason why Andorra has been hit so significantly?
  • 30th March 2020 .....Eighth victim dies of coronavirus with  36 new cases.
  • As of now Andorra remains in a state of alarm and has not yet decided to invoke the state of emergency which empowers the police to revoke civil liberties and use enforcement if necessary. The current decrees remain advisory for most but it is advice that must be heeded.
  • The 39 Cuban doctors, specialists and nurses arrived yersteday evening to assist local authorities.
  • The quarantine isolation period of 14 days for returning residents in now obligatory rather than advisory...A recent returning resident has advised that airlines into Spain are only allowing Spanish residents on (presumably the same for France). I recommend you not only have your residency card with you but also a printout of the Schengen accord with France, Spain and Andorra and be prepared to argue up as many levels of management as possible.
  • 29th March 2020.....SIX deaths now recorded in Andorra, including an 88 year old man, founder of a major travel company, and one man of 100 years.
  • 39 doctors and respiratory specialists from Cuba will arrive in Andorra this week to assist the local medical authorities. There is no indication as to why Cuba, which country has also registered 118 cases and 3 deaths.
  • The modern hospital at Foix in France has opened its' doors to Andorra if the necessity arises, currently of the 20 ventilators in Andorra 10 are in use and those who are admitted to the general part of the hospital are said to be improving generally.
  • Possible that tomorrow the Government will introduce the State Of Emergency, legislation which is already in place and was waiting for the approval from the Constitutional Committe of the Co-Princeps. This will empower the police to fine people and restrict movements. This is yet to be confirmed, watch this space !!
  • 27th March 2020 .....43 new cases today bringing active cases to 267.
  • The total number of tests in Andorra to date of 595 i represents 7,036 tests per 1,000 of residents while Germany the proportionate rate is 5,845 and in Korea 6,846 and Korea is the country that has prided itself in test, test, test to keep the virus under control!!.
  • A report earlier suggested there was one ventilator per 2,500 persons in Andorra (about 32 in total), we are now told that this figure is one per 3,900 persons ( 20 odd in total). Whilst desparate sourcing from Israel and local 3D printers are "in hand" it is not a pretty figure given that the peak has not yet arrived..
  • The testing kits and anaylsis machine which would have allowed local testing and results the same day have been delayed and tests still have to be sent to Madrid, Barcelona or Toulouse, all of which have their own home grown priorities.
  • The Government has admitted the scale of how Andorra has been hit proportionately to France and Spain, a matter which I have banged on about here.
  • 26th March 2020 ..... 600 masks manufactured locally by volunteers have been handed to the medical authorities.
  • Other protective gear that has been badly needed has reportedly been delivered.
  • 62 heath professionals will rejoin active service after isolation for the past two weeks.
  • Andorra Telecom and Electric companies are waiving up to 100% of fees for phone and electricity for companies and autonoms hit by the confinement measures.
  • 7 fireman have given positive reults and 19 are isolated, while in the police 1 officer is positive and 30 are in confinement.
  • 25th March 2020 ..... A third person in Andorra 88 years has died of the virus, the second is yet to be 100% confirmed.
  • Indefinite extension of isolation measures "until further notice".
  • More than 500 volunteers sign up to help the red cross.
  • Those who have been ordered to islate or who are positive are treated from day 1 as on sick leave and entitled up to 100% of their salary paid by CASS.
  • The object of the decree for employees is that no-one should be made redundant because of the virus and the measures are in hand to assist companies in paying up to half of the salaries.
  • Autonoms can apply for a reduction at CASS to contribute the equivalent of the minimum salary rather than the current fixed amount.
  • 24th March 2020 ..... A second man in Andorra 88 years old is suspected to have died of the virus, this is being confirmed.
  • An unbelievable 18% of the heath care workers are postive and this number rises to 30% when those confined in isolation are added, 62 of these are expected to complete their isolation this weekend and return, we owe so much gratitude to these health care workers in such difficult times.....
  • 23rd March 2020 ..... Andorra is now prepared for a state of emergency, the law was unanimously passed this morning.
  • An injection of 200 million euros to assist both employees, companies and commerces.
  • Reductions in CASS, financial assistance and other measures to assist the economy through these uncharted waters.
  • The law gives the authorities the means of enforcement if necessary to take all measures to contain the virus by limiting freedom of movement.
  • The state of emergency can be declared for 15 days (renewable) if it is called upon.
  • The first ever reduced Parliamentary meeting to sign a state of emergency took place at 1000 this morning (14 Consellers and not the usual 28 signing the decree separately to avoid contact). There is though the constitutional problem in that the decree can only be promulgated under the Constitution by the Co-Princeps and that specifies a period of 8 to 15 days for that to be carried into law. The Andorran Government is working to circumvent this requirement in the interests of the country, we will know soon.
  • The state of emergency will limit more all activities and provide the police with emergency powers of enforcement.
  • Andbus and Directbybus are still offering 2 daily return services to Barcelona, to my understanding you have to prove an airline ticket to cross the border.
  • 22nd March 2020 ..... The first death in Andorra, an 88 year old man succumbs to the virus.  
  • Police are more strictly manning roadblocks to advise people in cars for essential travel only, and are especially vigilant for more than one person in the car, they are not issuing fines, but from tomorrow that may all change.
  • There is an extraordinary meeting of Parliament tomorrow to issue new orders in ramping up the fight against the virus, it is likely only one person from each household will be allowed out for essential trips only, and fines may be considered.
  • New relief for employees and companies to be made into law tomorrow, details will follow on this website.
  • 21st March 2020.....985 seasonal workers trapped in Andorra have sought help under relief offered by CASS, the process for employees/company relief will be issued soon.      
  • A new system of drive in car virus blood tests now available if any person thinks he may have symptoms, this is by phone appointment only.    PHONE  116
  • Internet traffic soars 700% in just 6 days, Spanish border traffic falls 92%, French border down 87% and internal traffic down 72%.

This was kept up to date as the days progressed...

Whilst the total of positive cases in Andorra might not sound overwhelming compared to other countries,  if you translate this figure of 673 cumulative cases to the population of France proportionately by population there would be more than 577,226 positive cases (!) Number of cases divided by total population - 78,0000 - multiplied by the population of France  - 66.9M -)
For Spain (46.67M)  the same calculation the sum would be 402,678  positive cases. NOTE today, 16th April 2020, is the last time these figures will be updated, the point has been made that Andorra has been badly hit, perhaps I can find an area of more optimistic statistics from here !!

Although this method of simple population is inaccurate, crude and for interest from a different perspective only, it should be noted that on the Global statistics Andorra is the THIRD highest country by infected persons per 100,000 population,  San Marino is way ahead being in the Italian hotspot area and only having a small population.

The Andorra death rate is currently 2.33 deaths for each 10,000 inhabitants.  in Spain the figure is 2.66 per 10,000 and in Italy it is 2.54 per 10,000. In terms of deaths as above Andorra is unfortunately now SECOND in the global charts.

0.771% of the Andorra population have now tested positive, that is one person in every 129 persons.

On a happier note the number of PCR tests carried out (as at 07 April 2020) of 1,673 represents a figure of 21,653 persons tested per 1 million population and places Andorra 15th in the world.

Stay safe....

Proportionately or not, it is clear that Andorra was hit very significantly.
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