Andorra Schools and Education
General Information
Quick Page Guide:What Schools are available in Andorra ? |
![Cartoon Andorra schools Home schooling is not allowed in Andorra](images/school-joke-3.jpg)
Vaccinations are mandatory and home schooling in Andorra is not allowed,
Nor can the education be online, it must be a physical presence at a registered educational establishment.
![Vaccinations children Andorra Does my child need vaccinations](images/vaccination.png)
Children and Passive Residency.
Andorra offers a delightful outdoor crime free Education
But, you should note:
- That neither home schooling nor online schooling is permitted in Andorra. Each child is obliged by law to attend school from his or her 5th year until the 16th birthday.
- Vaccinations are mandatory for children and there is no alternative but to produce the required vaccination certificates or having "catch up" vaccinations here in Andorra at application.
Please see below for the schools available, in the state schools the child must be a resident ( Some will accept that the residency is under process), for the private fee paying school there is no obligation for the child to be a resident. Also children may attend school any where on the planet without jeopardising their residency. At application or renewals they will require a letter confirming enrolment in an educational establishment.
So, before the schooling, there is the business of the residency application. This must be done by means of a family application and is quite straightforward in the majority of cases. Note that each child is a family member from the day he or she is one day old, so the deposit will cost € 9,500 per child ( from 2024 regardless of the bond amount for older residents who applied on previous (and cheaper) schemes.
In all categories of residency when you apply with children you will require for those under 18 years old:
- Birth Certificate (s) Apostillised/ Legalised, (please note there may be two different types of birth certificate please ensure that you have a certificate that includes the parents’ names – Some certificates do not include this and it is essential)
- The original passport, children under 18 are not required to attend Immigration in person as long as they see the original passport at the time the parents apply.
- Letter from Paediatrician to whom the children are known to confirm their good health and that vaccinations are up to date in accordance with the vaccination book,
- The Vaccination / Family health book
- A certificate from the child’s current school stating that the child is enrolled and under education there.
- In some cases, you may be required to prove custody if single parent.
The child will not undergo a further medical nor of course will they require a police report if under 16 years of age.
With single parent applicants the process is complicated somewhat by the necessity of having to prove custody of the child. This can be done before a Notary and/or by producing the necessary court orders and or certificates but also these will need to be Apostillised or legalised. This may need to be explored in advance with Immigration prior to applications being lodged.
However most cases are straightforward, and after the Immigration process the Government will require the necessary enrolment documents to prove the obligation of schooling.
There are further requirements for children applying under category D, we will need to discuss.
Children in ALL categories who reach the age of 25 in Andorra
This ruling is important and will affect you if you have children in your family unit.
A child will only have his residency extended to the day before his or her 25th birthday, irrespective of parents renewal date. Prior to that date you must apply to have the child (now counted as a new individual adult) registered as a new adult and individual.
A child will only have his residency extended to the day before his or her 25th birthday, irrespective of parents renewal date. Prior to that date you must apply to have the child (now counted as a new individual adult) registered as a new adult and individual.
This then means that regardless that the original family unit applied under the old passive residency law, the child who comes of age will become a new applicant under existing new application requirements. The child will require an own bank account and have a bank certificate of deposit issued in his name. On the plus side as a sibling, he or she will be allowed to continue to live in the same address.
Immigration will also under Category A require a new and individual investment of € 600,000 . All families that apply as passive residents should be aware of these rulings for children as they do grow up (!) and take action way before the due date, we can discuss.
You also need to consider that at 18 years old the child will then require the two additional insurances of the incapacity and pension plan. Now, IF and only IF the child will be applying after 25 years old for residency would it be sensible to do this and ONLY on the grounds that the years spent as a passive resident will count towards citizenship. If come the new application at the age of 25 it is found that the insurances have not been taken out those years spent as a passive resident to date will be lost and this will be treated as a new application where 20 years required for residency starts again ! If the child will not re/apply then there is little point in taking out the new insurances.
Category D family grouping requirements unique to this category.
Unique to Category D family grouping of the spouse can only be applied for after 3 months of residency by the head of household, and this now applies to ALL nationalities. This means for a husband and wife team with or without children, unless each have 34% or more of the company shares and are a Director of the company only one can apply initially as active.
So once again structure of the company is important depending on plans. The children can relocate though either with the principle applicant or with the spouse after 3 months. Unlike passive residency which can take up to 6 weeks, the cards for active residency normally take about 3 days. Of course we have to prove effective custody in that both spouses agree for the children to live with one parent in Andorra, but that can be easily done.
Agora International School
In addition to the French, Spanish and Andorran state schools available in most parishes, Agora International School where many expatriate children attend offers a syllabus that prepare children for the Spanish International Baccalaureate.. The medium of many subjects is in English, but children will very quickly become fluent in most if not all of the three main languages in Andorra Catalan, Spanish and French.
It is easy to secure a place for your child in this independent school called the Agora International School. The school offers a multilingual international education.
The fees for the international school are €750 for a one off enrolment, then €670 per month with additional and optional monthly costs of €140 for food and €150 for transport to and from the school. If more than one child enrols then there is a 10% discount offered.
In addition to all the usual education and exams, a variety of winter and summer sports and activity camps are organised.
I can arrange for parents to meet the director for preliminary visits. I can also arrange for introduction to the state schools if desired.
Please click here or on the logo to the left to go to the school website.
Additionally for resident children there are available the state education systems of Andorra, France and Spain as outlined below. These are non fee paying but will depend on the age of your children and whether there would be language difficulties, in a nutshell, the earlier age the better !!!
Once you are familiar with relocating children and education in Andorra please return to the
application process.
The school plans to incorporate the three International Baccalaureate programmes in the near future (Primary, Middle Years and Diploma Programmes), providing students with a high quality education and internationally recognised prestigious qualifications.
The school offers the possibility of obtaining a Dual Diploma: the Spanish Bachillerato (In Spain, the equivalent of A Levels in the UK is the Bachillerato) and the American High School Diploma that prepares students to achieve the highest skill levels in the English language, digital learning and personal responsibility.
The British College Andorra is a new and welcome arrival in Andorra.
Curriculum at The British College of Andorra is based on the latest National Curriculum of England and Wales. Objectives covered at the school are exactly as you would find in a school in the UK and as such it is easy for students to move into or out of the school from other British schools in the UK or abroad. The National Curriculum provides an outline of objectives around which teachers are able to develop exciting and stimulating lessons in order to promote the development of students’ knowledge, understanding and skills as part of the wider school curriculum.
The British College of Andorra prides itself on adopting a ‘personalised learning’ approach. What this means practically in terms of curriculum is that while the National Curriculum objectives are worked towards, the talented teachers have autonomy to adapt the content and teaching strategies to the specific needs of our students. Students aged from 3 to 14 years learn by means of an 'integrated curriculum' approach with one overriding theme anchoring learning across all subject areas. Of course the manner in which this is achieved is adapted according to phase and maturity of the students.
Curriculum at The British College of Andorra is best described as ‘personalised’, ‘creative’, and ‘forward thinking’ as teachers attempt to provide the most stimulating and meaningful educational experience for the students in their care.
- School bus OPTIONAL. The school offers a transport service for those who request it.
- School uniform, the official school uniform is obligatory. Purchase from the school uniform shop during the designated hours.
For complete information please see here British College Andorra or click on the logo.
The French Education system is available to residents' children.
La presència del sistema educatiu francès a Andorra és un fet arrelat en la història del nostre país i des de la primera obertura, l'any 1900, d'escoles primàries franceses a diverses parròquies, ha complert, juntament amb el sistema educatiu espanyol i fins la creació del sistema educatiu andorrà, la funció d'ensenyament nacional.
La situació jurídica d'aquestes escoles franceses es va regular l'any 1982 amb la promulgació del Decret sobre les escoles i el Liceu del Copríncep Francès a Andorra.
Les disposicions del nou Conveni entre el Govern del Principat d'Andorra i el Govern de la República Francesa en l'àmbit de l'ensenyament (2004) continuen mantenint un ensenyament públic i gratuït dispensat per establiments francesos al Principat. A més, es preveu la possibilitat de lliurar un diploma andorrà per algunes formacions específiques validades per un diploma francès i conformes amb els ensenyaments impartits en els establiments d'ensenyament públic de la República Francesa.
For the contact details of all French Schools in Andorra please visit the Government website here.
The Spanish Education system is also available to residents' children.
La presència del sistema educatiu espanyol a Andorra és un fet arrelat a la història del nostre país, i des de la seva implantació amb les primeres escoles confessionals l'any 1882 i l'obertura de les primeres escoles laiques l'any 1930, ha complert, juntament amb el sistema educatiu francès i fins a la creació del sistema educatiu andorrà, la funció d'ensenyament nacional.
La situació jurídica d'aquestes escoles espanyoles es va regular a través del Conveni hispanoandorrà en material educativa, que es va signar a Madrid l'11 de gener de 1993.
Les disposicions del nou Conveni entre el Govern del Principat d'Andorra i el Govern del Regne d'Espanya en matèria educativa (2007) mantenen un sistema educatiu públic espanyol a Andorra integrat per centres de titularitat de l'Estat espanyol d'acord amb un agrupament d'alumnes que correspon a l'evolució de la població escolar d'aquests darrers anys, afirmant la gratuïtat de l'ensenyament públic espanyol.
For the contact details of all French Schools in Andorra please visit the Government website here.
The Andorran Education system as well!
El sistema educatiu andorrà, com a eix vertebrador de l'educació a Andorra garanteix, des d'una perspectiva pròpia, la unitat del procés educatiu. Es basa en els drets, les llibertats i els principis que s'estableixen en la Constitució i en la Llei qualificada d'educació i desijta seguir les orientacions europees en matèria educacional.
Els centres públics del sistema educatiu andorrà, a excepció dels destinats a l'ensenyament superior, reben la denominació genrèrica d' "Escola Andorrana".
Són finalitats del sistema educatiu andorrà:
- Promoure el desenvolupament cultural, intel·lectual, social, corporal i moral de les persones.
- Fomentar l'esperit universal crític i creatiu així com els comprtoaments d'adaptabilitat i autonomia.
- Desenvolupar la integració i la participació social i cívica.
- Formar en el respecte de la diversitat i dels drets i les llibertats fonamentals, en l'exercici de la tolerància dins dels principis democràtics de convivència i pluralisme.
- Impulsar l'adquisició d'hàbits intel·lectuals i de tècniques de treball.
- Assegurar l'ús de la llengua catalana en els diferents àmbits de comunicació, per mitjà del coneixement de la seva diversitat de registres i nivells d'ús.
- Promoure el coneixement de diverses llengües per tal d'afavorir l'obertura a la cultura universal i la comunicació fluida amb ciutadans d'altres països.
- Transemtre coneixements científics, tècnics, humanístics, artístics i ètics.
- Capacitar per a l'excercici d'activitats professionals.
- Contribuir a la formació i l'enriquiment en els elements culturals propis i específics de la societat andorrana.
- Atendre les diferències entre persones per raons d'origen social, econòmiques, culturals, ètniques i geogràfiques, i compensar-ne les possibles desigualtats.
- Promoure la formació per a la pau, la solidaritat i la cooperació entre els pobles.
- Atendre la integració dels alumnes amb necessitats educatives especials.
- Fomentar la participació de tots els sectors de la comunitat escolar, pares, alumnes i professors.
- Establir i potenciar les relacions de coordinació i col·laboració amb els sistemes d'ensenyament dels països veïns.
- Treballar conjuntament amb les entitats andorranes de caire cultural i esportiu.
For the contact details of all Andorran State Schools in Andorra please visit the Government website here.
![French State school system Andorra French Education Andorra](images/school-French.jpg)
![Spanish school system in Andorra Spanish Education Andorra](images/school-spanish.jpg)
![Andorran School system Andorra Schooling](images/school-andorra.jpg)