Marriage in Andorra. What do I need to get married?
General Information
Getting Married in Andorra
Many people ask about the possibility of getting married in Andorra. Whilst it is eminently possible, there is the downside of the documents that are required to support the application for a marriage license. Please note that at least one of the contracting parties must be a resident, and that includes passive residency.
Documentation required: These must be Apostillised / Legalised in the country of issue, if not from Andorra and each must have an official translation if not in Catalan, Spanish or French: (Please note that English for the purposes of this marriage application is not an accepted language for documents).
- Passport or national identity of the two parties (as well as original at time of signing the intent to marry - see below)
- Birth Certificate for both parties.
- Certificate of no impediment for both parties And if married before the court order for the dissolution of that marriage, if widowed the previous marriage certificate and death certificate..
- Residence certificate or registration, stating where you are both are currently resident.
- For Andorran residents: Immigration residency card.
Once the Registry Office confirm that the documents provided are correct, normally a couple of days after, you must both present yourselves to the Civil Registry to sign a declaration of intent to marry.
After the Registrar has examined all the legal requirements, the details of the intent once approved will be published in the Official Gazette marriage proclamations of Andorra. After 14 days the licence to marry is issued can be set at the Comú where resident in order to complete the procedure either by civil or by church ceremony. The marriage license is valid for six months.
Also now available in Andorra is a civil union partnership including same-sex partnership. This is similar to marriage but requires a legally drawn up notary agreement together with two independent witnesses who have known the applicants for more than 12 months. Please contact me if you are considering either of the above routes.
After 15 days from publication in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra without any impediments or objections applicants will be personally notified of their ability to marry under license.
From that moment the applicants can contact a Parish chosen to marry and arrange the day and time to celebrate civil marriage (by church or registry office). This can only be done after the marriage license is issued.
If within six months after the issuance of the license the marriage does not take place the license will expire.
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